Puro Surf is a project that's born out of passion, passion for a sport and passion for the country. There's a true belief within all of the people involved, that El Salvador has a lot of good and positive things to offer to the world. We knew that we wanted to be a part of this bridge that needed to be built; a bridge that can allow for the true beauty of the country and it's people to be known. 

In order to do so, the idea of just building a 4 star hotel was not enough. Yes, surf is the main theme, and it has certainly shaped the design and operational decisions in the project, but it's not the only thing that makes it different and unique. From the start, when we were sketching the hotel's concept, we defined that we wanted to create a salvadorean hotel experience, not just any adventure/luxury/4 star hotel experience. As salvadorans, we understand that identity has always been a struggle for our country; understanding what really defines us. What was not torn during the war, gang violence little by little has been completing the work. We wanted to rescue some particular and genuine aspects of the identity, textures, color, techniques, and passion that we saw locally in the communities we work with, and in our beaches. 

At the end of the day, the tourists that will visit the hotel are not looking for a Fiji, Hawaiian, or Australian experience, but a Salvadoran one. For that reason, in the interiors and furniture, our design team Claudia and Harry Washington found, through the use local craftsmen and their techniques, the way to convey this idea. And consequently, through this, it has also created a positive impact in many fronts. All of the hotel's furniture and interior details were manufactured in El Salvador. 

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